Faqs: Our Scope Of Services

One of the aspects of PharmQuest® that sets it apart from other pharmacy consultants is it's ability in going above and beyond a traditional drug regimen review. When we perform a review, we are always looking for opportunities. For example:

→ Is the medication prescribed the most appropriate from it's respective therapeutic class?

→ Are there other medications within the therapeutic class that offer less side effects?

→ Are there other medications that have a more favorable dosing schedule leading to enhanced patient  

→ Does the profile reflect duplication of medications from the same therapeutic category - Is there an

    opportunity in discontinuing one of the medications?

→ Is there the case where a disease state has since been resolved - Can a medication now be discontinued?

→ Is the patient having trouble consuming the medication - Can it be changed to an alternative dosage form?

→ Are there more effective medications for the respective disease than can ultimately lead to better 
    therapeutic outcomes?

→ Is there the possibility of a drug-drug interaction - What are the available options for the patient?